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Customer Service Specialist Apprenticeship

Level 3 Advanced Apprenticeship Standard

a woman serving a customer at a till

Availability & Details

Customer Service Specialist- Level 3 Apprenticeship SAA-CUSEL3/P01

South Downs Campus

Type of study


Examination board
Generic award - no awarding body

How to apply

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The main purpose of a Customer Service Specialist is to be a “professional” for direct customer support. In this role, you’ll train to be an advocate of customer service who acts as a referral point for dealing with more complex or technical customer requests, complaints and queries.You’ll be an escalation point for complicated or ongoing customer problems and as a developing expert in your organisation’s products and/or services, you’ll share knowledge with your wider team and colleagues. You’ll gather and analyse data and customer information that influences change and improvements in service.You’ll use both organisational and generic IT systems to carry out your role with an awareness of other digital technologies. This role could be carried out in many types of environments, including contact centres, retail, webchat, service industry or any customer service point.

Our expectation is that all Apprentices should already possess English and Mathematics to a GCSE grade C/4 or equivalent. However, we will consider applicants without these grades subject to an initial assessment with one of the Apprenticeship Team.

A fully work-based Apprenticeship. Full delivery of the Apprenticeship takes place with your Apprenticeship Assessor visiting you and your Mentor in your place of work on a monthly basis.Typical Course Duration: 15 months and 1-3 months End Point Assessment period.

Apprentices can be taught via classroom delivery, work-based learning/assessment and vocational “on and off the job training”. This is always dependent on the course, the preferences of the business and the wishes of the learner.

Practical observation in the workplace, professional discussion on your portfolio and a work-based project presentation.

Completion of this Apprenticeship will lead to eligibility to join the Institute of Customer Service as an Individual member at Professional level with technical skills. You could also progress onto a Leadership and Management programme.

Opportunities may exist to gain professional accreditation in your chosen field post completion of the qualification. Your Assessor will support you with information on gaining professional accreditation. As we work with Apprentices that are already employed, if you attend our day release programmes you will mix with a diverse range of businesses with Apprentices in the same sector.

"I am delighted with my results and am really looking forward to studying Law at Oxford University. I really enjoyed my time at HSDC Alton and I really appreciate all the help and support from my fantastic teachers, without whom I wouldn't have got my place at Oxford."

Catherine Goldie, HSDC Alton A Level Student

The teaching has been really good, I’ve loved all of my teachers, they’ve all been really nice and supportive.

Jodie Hook

The tutors were really supportive and it was all thanks to them that I have achieved what I have. I’ve also made loads of great friends and really enjoyed my time at the college.

Lizaveta Sinkerich, A Level student