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Philosophy, Religion & Ethics A Level

a man praying
Getting Ahead

Philosophy, Religion & Ethics A Level at Alton Campus

Are you studying Philosophy, Religion & Ethics A Level at Alton Campus in September? If so, you’re in the right place!

We have put together the following Getting Ahead work to help you prep for your course starting in September.

We can’t wait to welcome you to HSDC Alton soon!

two students holding a religious artefact

Please answer in a few sentences to the questions below. You do not have to write an essay or use academic sources. Your teacher is interested in knowing what and how you think.



What is ‘God’?

Can we know God at all?

If God exists and knows everything (including the future), then can humans be truly free?

What is a ‘person’?



What do we mean when we say that something is ‘good’?

And when we say that something is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’?

Are there any actions that are always morally wrong?

Is euthanasia wrong?



How would you define what a religion is?

Is Buddhism a religion? (Buddhist philosophy does not include the belief in a God or supreme being)

Are you the same person you were yesterday?

Can suffering ever be a good thing?

Sam Harris (b. 1967) is an American neuroscientist and philosopher, and an atheist. William Lane Craig (b. 1949) is an American analytic philosopher and theologian, and a Christian. In these videos, they discuss good and evil and the origin of morality.

Watch the videos and write a paragraph explaining what you think of the arguments presented on the topic in question. Are they convincing or not? Did they make sense?


Research at least three of the philosophers listed below (one from each of period). They all are prominent thinkers, and their ideas are relevant for the topics that will be discussed in class.

For each of your chosen philosophers, research the following information:


  • When and where they lived
  • Who influenced them
  • Who did they influence
  • The name of at least one important work/book
  • Two of his their most influential arguments (at least)


Ancient & mediaeval philosophers






Modern era philosophers






19th-20th century philosophers






Philosophy has provided the world with some of the most influential and important written works ever known. These works have sparked debate and enquiry and challenge an inquisitive mind. Whether you are planning on studying Philosophy at university or not, a great undergraduate student (i.e., one that universities are looking for) is one who is prepared to critically read on a wide range of topics.

The following books complement your A Level course. They are not directly related to the course and are NOT mandatory. However, the more you read, the more you will know and the better you will argue –which is extremely important in this course.

Your challenge is to read as many of these books as you can before (and during) your course.

Below there is a quick synopsis of each book to help you choose which ones you want to read.


“The God Delusion” (2006) by Richard Dawkins

Richard Dawkins (b. 1941) is a    British evolutionary biologist, zoologist, and emeritus fellow of the University of Oxford. This is probably his most famous book, in which Dawkins attempts to show the irrationality of a belief in God by attacking the idea of such a being on all fronts. He makes his case by providing critical examinations of the role of religion in history, in debunking traditional arguments for God’s existence, and through the power of Darwinian natural selection as a replacement for supernatural causes.


“The Dawkins Delusion” (2007) by Alister McGrath

Alister McGrath (b. 1953) is Northern Irish theologian, Anglican priest, historian and scientist) In this book, McGrath challenges Dawkins’ ideas. Once an atheist himself, he gained a doctorate in molecular biophysics before going on to become a leading Christian theologian. He wonders how two people, who have reflected at length on substantially the same world, could possibly have come to such different conclusions about God. McGrath subjects Dawkins’ critique of faith to rigorous scrutiny. He asks such questions as: Is faith intellectual nonsense? Are science and religion locked in a battle to the death? Can the roots of Christianity be explained away scientifically? Is Christianity simply a force for evil?



  “Why I am not a Christian” (1927) by Bertrand Russell

Bertrand Russell (1872–1970) was a British philosopher, mathematician, historian, political activist and Nobel laureate. He wrote many books on many topics but this one, in particular, is easy to read but tackles some of the most fundamental questions of life. Russell argues that religion offers comfort to humans when faced with the difficult questions of life and suggests that this is not helpful or progressive and certainly does not answer any questions. He suggests that humans should not look at what is next (an afterlife) but focus on what is here right now.


“Is There a God?” (1996) by Richard Swinburne

Richard Swinburne (b. 1934) is an English philosopher and Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the University of Oxford, and one of the most distinguished philosophers of religion today. His philosophical ideas will be discussed in several topics throughout our course. In this compelling book, Swinburne argues that contrary to the claims of Richard Dawkins and others, science actually provides good grounds for belief in God. Why is there a universe at all? Why is there any life on Earth? How is it that discoverable scientific laws operate in the universe? Swinburne uses scientific reasoning to argue that the best answers to these questions are given by the existence of God. Powerful, modern, and accessible, this short book is a must read for anyone interested in an intelligent and approachable defence of the existence of God.


“The Pig That Wants to Be Eaten and 99 Other Thought Experiments” (2005) by Julian Baggini

Julian Baggini (b. 1968) is a British philosopher, journalist and author. In this book, he asks (and answers) questions such as the following: Is it right to eat a pig that wants to be eaten? Are you really reading this book cover, or are you in a simulation? If God is all-powerful, could he create a square circle? The book contains 100 of the most intriguing thought experiments from the history of philosophy. Thought experiments are short scenarios that pose a moral or philosophical problem in a vivid and concrete way. These questions will leave you inspired, informed and scratching your head, dumbfounded.


“The man who mistook his wife for a hat” (1985) by Oliver Sacks

Oliver Sacks (1933–2015) was a world-famous neurologist and writer. In this book, he writes about different case studies of his patients who all having different types of memory loss. The accounts he gives raise many philosophical questions about the nature of reality and whether we can trust our senses. He also raises important questions in relation to how we perceive the mind and brain and whether there is a difference.


“Siddhartha” (1922) by Hermann Hesse

Hermann Hesse (1877–1962) was a German-Swiss poet, novelist and painter. One of his major works, Siddhartha is a stunningly beautiful book. Hesse’s moving and inspirational chronicle of spiritual evolution, considered the most important and compelling moral allegory our troubled century has produced. Integrating Eastern and Western spiritual traditions with psychoanalysis and philosophy.


“Sophie’s World” (1991) by Jostein Gaarder

Norwegian writer Jostein Gaarder (b. 1952) is the author of this international bestseller about life, the universe and everything. When 14-year-old Sophie encounters a mysterious mentor who introduces her to philosophy, mysteries deepen in her own life. Why does she keep getting postcards addressed to another girl? Who is the other girl? And who, for that matter, is Sophie herself? To solve the riddle, she uses her new knowledge of philosophy, but the truth is far stranger than she could have imagined. An addictive blend of mystery, philosophy and fantasy, Sophie’s World is an international phenomenon that has been translated into 60 languages and sold more than 40 million copies.





Name of the book Date started Date finished Reflections
Book Title 1 2024-01-01 2024-01-10 Some reflections about the book.
Book Title 2 2024-02-01 2024-02-15 Some reflections about the book.




*This is a representation of your learning space and may not be the exact room you will be using

"I am delighted with my results and am really looking forward to studying Law at Oxford University. I really enjoyed my time at HSDC Alton and I really appreciate all the help and support from my fantastic teachers, without whom I wouldn't have got my place at Oxford."

Catherine Goldie, HSDC Alton A Level Student

College is definitely worth all the effort you put in, you get to meet lots of different people and it’s amazing.

Ebony Puttock, A Level student

My experience at the college has been really good, it’s been really rewarding, all the lecturers were so lovely and supportive there’s no way I could have done it without them - the teaching has been outstanding.

Lucie Brooks, A Level student