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Health & Social Care Level 2 (Pre T-Level)

close up of a nurse with stethoscope around her neck
Getting Ahead

Health & Social Care Level 2 (Pre T-Level) at Alton Campus

Are you studying Health & Social Care Level 2 at Alton Campus in September? If so, you’re in the right place!

In preparation for your journey into Further Education at HSDC Alton, we think it is important that you think and prepare for your learning before you start with us in September.

To enable you to have a positive start, a better understanding of your Health and Social Care course and the units you will study, we would like you to complete the following work and email it back to us.

Please email all your completed work to Julian ( If it’s easier, take a photo of your work and email this over!

We look forward to you starting College with us soon!

a nurse typing on a laptop with a stethoscope next to them

Design your own game or activity to undertake with residents at a local care home.

You must be able to enjoy studying and caring for all age groups in order to choose to study the CTEC in Health & Social Care. Therefore we would like you to provide a plan for a creative therapeutic game or activity for residents at a local care home prior to starting this course, which will identify what you like and what interests you have!

Design your own tabletop game/activity that you can undertake with a group of four or five residents in a local care home. You need to design a game/activity that can be completed in half an hour, on a table. You need to include:

  • Title of activity
  • A detailed explanation and plan of the activity/game
  • Time needed to complete the activity
  • Resources needed
  • How the activity will be introduced to the participants
  • What support will the participants need to complete the activity/game?
  • What are the cognitive, physical, emotional and social benefits of the activity/game?
  • How would you adapt the game/activity to ensure inclusion for all residents (e.g. for residents who have poor mobility, hearing or eyesight)?

We would like you to write a 200-300 word explanation of why you have chosen this activity/game. Communicate your thoughts and ideas as best you can.

Please complete this for the first day of the new term.

Find out and create a job profile for five different roles with the Health and Social Care Sector.

Give details about the job role, skills needed and the places you may work.

*This is a representation of your learning space and may not be the exact room you will be using

"I am delighted with my results and am really looking forward to studying Law at Oxford University. I really enjoyed my time at HSDC Alton and I really appreciate all the help and support from my fantastic teachers, without whom I wouldn't have got my place at Oxford."

Catherine Goldie, HSDC Alton A Level Student

I overcame a couple of barriers by working really hard to get the top grades. My experience was really good, with the course and the lecturers, the residentials and activities, together it was all really good. I had really great teaching support, I could always go to the lecturers and speak to them if I needed to.

David Stenning, Public Services student

I’m really happy and pleased with my grades. I really loved my time at the college, I have also made lots of friends, it’s a really nice place to be, I don’t want to leave.

Lauren Piper, A Level student