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Early Years Practitioner Apprenticeship

Level 2 Intermediate Apprenticeship Standard

close up of a child playing with crayons

Availability & Details

Early Years Practitioner - Level 2 Apprenticeship SAA-EAYEL2/P01

South Downs Campus

Type of study


Examination board
Generic award - no awarding body

How to apply

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The broad purpose of the occupation is to work and interact directly with children on a day to day basis supporting the planning of and delivery of activities, play and educational programmes. You will be responsible for supporting child initiated and adult led activities based around the needs and interests of each individual child, supporting children’s learning through planned, purposeful play opportunities, and working as part of a team to ensure each child feels safe and secure.

Our expectation is that all Apprentices should already possess English and Maths GCSE grade C / 4 or equivalent. However, we will consider applicants without these grades subject to an initial assessment with one of the Apprenticeship Team.

Early Years Apprentices will also support the observation and assessment of each child and contribute to their experiences and assist with the care needs of the individual child such as teeth, skin, hair, feeding, changing nappies and toileting under direction of a more senior member of the team. They will also have a responsibility for ensuring that they recognise when a child is in danger and/or at risk of serious harm or abuse and contributing to the health and safety of children, staff and others on the premises. In their daily work, an employee in this occupation interacts with parents, children, colleagues, and wider multi agency professionals and partners such as health visitors, social workers and speech and language therapists.Typical Course Duration: 15 months & 1-3 months End Point Assessment Period.

Apprentices can be taught via classroom delivery, work-based learning/assessment, and vocational “on and off the job training”. This is always dependent on the course, the preferences of the business, and the wishes of the learner.

Knowledge Test, Professional Discussion about Portfolio of work.

Achievement of this Apprenticeship will enable Apprentices to access higher level jobs within the sector. There is also opportunity for Apprentices to go on to further study as Early Years Educator Level 3, or at higher levels, particularly working towards Foundation Degrees in Early Years. This in turn will support the achievement of Early Years Professional Status (Graduate Level).

My experience at the College was great, it’s very different to school, and I think it’s a good step to going to university. The support was amazing, I loved all of my teachers, they helped me through everything. The College is friendly and you will succeed.

Heidi Adamson Brattland, A Level student

I overcame a couple of barriers by working really hard to get the top grades. My experience was really good, with the course and the lecturers, the residentials and activities, together it was all really good. I had really great teaching support, I could always go to the lecturers and speak to them if I needed to.

David Stenning, Public Services student

The teaching and support was absolutely brilliant, they couldn’t have done anything more or anything better, if I had any questions my lecturers would always stay behind to help me if I needed it and their emails were always open, it was second to none. This college is the best by far.

Amber Searle, BTEC student