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Absence & Holidays


Poor attendance can affect a student’s chances of success.

A parent or carer must notify the College if a student is going to be absent. This can be done via the MyHSDC App, which can be downloaded from your App supplier and you will receive your log-in via email w/c 23 September 2024.

Alternatively, you can report an absence using the ‘Contact Us’ form here.

Problems with transport

If there are problems with bus or train transport that are confirmed by the transport operator and where there is no alternative means of transport available, you must inform the College on each day of the absence before their first lesson, but in any event no later then the end of the college day.

Holidays and Exceptional Leave of Absence

The College has a clear policy not to authorise any absences from College during term time, unless there are exceptional circumstances. Family holidays or leisure activities during term time are discouraged. Only in the most exceptional circumstances will the College agree to absence during term time.

Essential work or assessments must not be missed and there must be an agreement that the student can catch up on any work missed. If you need to request exceptional leave of absence during term time, please complete the absence process as detailed above.

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