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Business Level 3 Extended Diploma

two people having a discussion in front of a laptop
Getting Ahead

Business CTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma at Alton Campus

Well done for your choice of subject! We are delighted you have chosen this course and hopefully you have chosen business as you have an interest in a subject which affects your everyday lives. For example; Covid-19 and the impacts this has had on businesses both short term and long term; new business trends for 2024 need to be understood for their impacts, such as the impact of more people working from home, increased automation, virtual interfaces, the move from global to local suppliers, sustainability, social media and the need for the younger generation to be part of something purposeful and meaningful…………all of these are areas which we will explore within the course.

Remember: ‘You are either going to work for a business or own one’ – our course revolves around this statement.

two people collaborating with a laptop and notebook

We would like to receive the 4 tasks via the following email please before 4th September 2024:

Please label your attachments (project) with your name.

We look forward to receiving your tasks and hopefully this will be the start of something great!

If you need any further clarification on any of the tasks just email.


A brief paragraph about yourself and why you are interested in business. Please share with us your ‘business’ experiences. Do you volunteer? Have a part time job? Or do you help in a family business? All experiences are valid, and we would like you to share them with us.

Create a glossary of key terms.

There will be some key terms you should know for your Unit 1 exam. These can be found in Cambridge Technicals Level 3 Business text book. We highly recommend that students purchase this book in advance of starting the course. We would like students to become especially familiar with the following key terms. Please give us a brief description of what you understand the term to mean. We will keep adding to this glossary throughout the course.

Key Term Description (Examples)
Primary business activity  
Secondary business activity  
Tertiary business activity  
Retail customers  
Business customers  
Private Sector of operation  
Public Sector of operation  
Third sector of operation  
Sole trader  
Private Limited Company (Ltd)  
Public Limited Company (PLC)  
State/government owned businesses  
Charity/not for profit Organisations  
Community Interest companies (CIC)  
Limited Liability  
Unlimited liability  
Aims and objectives  
Functional areas within a business  
Division of work  
Organisational structure  
Span of control  
Market share  
Opportunity cost  
Variable costs  
Fixed costs  
Cash flow  
Break-even point  
Margin of safety  
Trade Union  
Pressure Group  

These should give you plenty to think about. These terms will be integral in your understanding of business.

Research a fact file on a business of your choice.

It is good to understand businesses around you so that you have evidence within your coursework and examined units which cover all aspects of business. An understanding of businesses will help you contextualise your answers.

Can you pick either a multinational private sector business (For example: Nike, Apple, Starbucks, Amazon, Netflix) OR a public sector business (For example: NHS, HSDC, Network Rail) OR a Community Interest Company/Charity (see local examples such as clubs etc too) and complete the following research.

Let us see what you can do, be creative and make your work look professional.

Create a fact file using any format to include the following:

  1. Title page
  2. Research some basic facts/background information – what does it do? How large is it? Ownership type? What are their financials for 2023? What are their key objectives?
  3. What products do they offer?
  4. How successful is it? Give evidence (consider sales, profit, market share) Is this more or less successful than previous years? Why do you think this? Give evidence.
  5. Who are the stakeholders of the business? Internal and external.
  6. Who are their customers? Describe the target market and how they reach them.
  7. What are the key external factors that affect this business and why? (Think about politics, economics, social trends, technology, legal changes, environmental impacts, competition, and ethics)
  8. Are there any interesting news articles you can include from the last 12 months? These can be positive or controversial!
  9. Their competition – who are they? What is their market share? What makes your chosen business different? How do you know this? Give evidence.
  10. Have they shared their plans for the future? And what are these?
  11. Conclusion: Your Opinion! What do you think of this business; do you think they will be successful in the next few years? Would you like to work for them? justify your answers.

Read one book or watch one film related to business and write a review which we will upload to our Google Classroom resources for other students to enjoy. Remember to give it a star rating out of 5!

Examples: The Founder (McDonald’s story) – book and film, The Big short, The Fyre, Shoe dog (Nike story) etc.

Gather your resources.  

  1. Cambridge technical Level 3 Business textbook (2016) (see also revision aid)
  2. We recommend you download the following apps and regularly read the business news every morning: twitter, Sky News or BBC News. 


*This is a representation of your learning space and may not be the exact room you will be using

My time at the college was definitely life changing, I have learnt a lot of new skills, and obviously it’s a completely new experience. The support was great, there was always people there to help and try make it as easy as they can for you. The college is really fantastic, it has helped me on the way to get to what I want to achieve within my career goals.

Erin Morgan, BTEC student

I would say it’s a college that really balances academia with fun, there is lots of extra-curricular stuff that you can get involved in. It has a really good work/life balance.

Laura Hagedorn, A Level student

Everyone at the College was really helpful, and there’s lots of facilities, meaning it’s very easy to get your work done on time, and get good grades. The teaching and support was excellent, they were always on top of it, and made sure you got work done on time and you were challenged. Everyone is friendly and its really diverse, meaning you can get involved in lots of different things.

Conor Ward, BTEC student