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Physics A Level

ball of energy
Getting Ahead

Physics A Level at Havant Campus

Moving from GCSE Science to A Level can be a daunting leap. You’ll be expected to remember a lot more facts, equations and definitions and you will need to learn new maths skills and develop confidence in applying what you already know to unfamiliar situations.

The below ‘Getting Ahead’ work aims to give you a head start by helping you:

  • To pre-learn some useful knowledge from the first chapters of your A Level course
  • To see how the physics you know can be used to explain how devices work
  • Consolidate physics from GCSE
nasa photo of space

Learning objectives

After completing the following work you should be able to:

  • Define some practical science key terms
  • Recall the usual prefixes
  • Use standard form and significant figures
  • Understand how some devices work using principles of physics

Physics, as a science, involves both theory and practical and we will be doing a set of experiments over the course. You need to be confident about the definitions of terms that describe measurements and results in A Level Physics experiments.

Learn the terms below, then cover the answers column and write as many answers as you can. Check and repeat.

Accurate values Values which are close to the accepted value
Precise values Values which are close to each other
Control variables Variables that should be kept constant to avoid
them affecting the dependent variable


³ pico (p) 10⁻¹²
nano (n) 10⁻⁹
micro (μ) 10⁻⁶
milli (m) 10⁻³
centi (c) 10⁻²
deci (d) 10⁻¹
kilo (k) 10³
mega (M) 10⁶
giga (G) 10⁹
tera (T) 10¹²


Standard form
Many values in physics are very small or very large so for ease of reading and handling we write them in standard form. This has a number between 0 and 9.9 in front of a power of ten. For example, 3300 is written as 3.3 x 10³ and 0.00046 is 4.6 x 10⁻⁴. Standard form helps in calculations because for values multiplied or divided, the powers of ten can be added or subtracted.

e.g. 1200 x 0.01 = 1.2 x 10 3 x 1 x 10 ⁻² = 1.2 x 10 ¹ = 12


8800000 / 220 = 8.8 x 10 6 / 2.2 x 102 = 4.0 x 104


Significant figures
When you use a calculator to work out a numerical answer, you know that this often results in a large number of decimal places and, in most cases, the final few digits are ‘not significant’. It is important to record your data and your answers to calculations to a reasonable number of significant figures. Too many and your answer is claiming an accuracy that it does not have, too few and you are not showing the precision and care required in scientific analysis.

Numbers to 3 significant figures (3 s.f.):
3.62,  25.4,  271,  0.0147,  0.245,  39,400

(notice that the zeros before the figures and after the figures are not significant – they just show you how large the number is by the position of the decimal point).

Numbers to 3 significant figures where the zeros are significant:
207,  4050,  1.01 (any zeros between the other significant figures are significant).

Standard form numbers with 3 significant figures:


If the value you wanted to write to 3.s.f. was 590, then to show the zero was significant you would have to write:
590 (to 3.s.f.) or 5.90 × 102

If you are not familiar with standard form and significant figures, practise using them with small and large numbers.

Describe in your own words and using diagrams how these devices work, thinking about how the physics you know is involved (see the video clips in the ‘Watch’ section below first):

  1. The mobile phone
  2. The human eye
  3. The computer disk drive

Go over electric circuits in Bitesize.

Make sure you can remember the key circuit symbols and that you understand the concepts of electric current and potential difference.

Go over how to describe how things move in Bitesize.

If you haven’t done it before, see how to find a velocity at a particular time using a distance-time graph.

How the Mobile Phone Works

The Function of the Eye

How a Hard Disk Works

There are more stars in the Universe than sand grains on the entire world’s beaches

The Higgs boson was predicted by theory nearly 40 years before it was seen

Superconductivity was known about 40 years before it was properly explained by theory

The sky is blue because blue light is far more scattered by particles and molecules in the atmosphere than the other colours

Medical physicists can use radioactivity to monitor whether your kidneys are functioning correctly

The atomic clocks on the GPS satellites need to have a precision of better than 1s in several million years

*This is a representation of your learning space and may not be the exact room you will be using

“HSDC provided me with the opportunity for autonomous study and the choice of subjects that I wanted to study, which helped me develop relevant knowledge as well as relevant skills for the workplace.”

Lucas Ratcliffe, A Level and CTEC student

I would say it’s a college that really balances academia with fun, there is lots of extra-curricular stuff that you can get involved in. It has a really good work/life balance.

Laura Hagedorn, A Level student

"I am delighted with my results and am really looking forward to studying Law at Oxford University. I really enjoyed my time at HSDC Alton and I really appreciate all the help and support from my fantastic teachers, without whom I wouldn't have got my place at Oxford."

Catherine Goldie, HSDC Alton A Level Student