HSDC is excited to announce that it will run the South East region component of the national Education and Training Foundation (ETF) Practice Development Group (PDG) programme. This component of the programme will be managed by HSDC staff members Dom Thompson and David Galloway and aims to promote practitioner-led, collaborative professional development across the Further Education and Training sector.
The PDG will consist of action learning sets of practitioners who work together on short-term, small-scale projects to improve an aspect of teaching, learning and assessment to enhance their teaching of English or their embedding of maths and English into other programmes of study.
The programme will take place over a four-month period, with two rounds and requires participants to meet once a month during this time. Round one starts in October 2020 and ends in January 2021, with round two starting in January 2021 and ending in April 2021.
Dom Thompson, HSDC Higher Education Manager/Teaching & Learning Coach and lead on this project, explains more:
“We have been developing a culture of research over the past four years and are nominated for one of the prestigious FE TES Awards because of the work we have done. Winning this ETF tender means we can move to the next step in helping to foster a culture of research and enquiry led practice across the region. We will be able to run events where people will be able to network and share their ideas and provide support and guidance for action research projects in a variety of settings. Research will be completed in areas such as maths and English curriculum development, initial assessment and the embedding of maths and English in T Level provision, of which we are an initial provider.”
“We are honoured to be leaders as one of the ten regions taking part in this project. It’s such a great opportunity to support our region in their research journey and show that HSDC is one of the leaders in the sector driving research in FE forward.”
We are currently recruiting group facilitators and group participants to take part in round one. For more information about the programme and how to take part, please email dom.thompson@hsdc.ac.uk or david.galloway@hsdc.ac.uk.