A crime scene mocked up at HSDC Havant gave students an opportunity to learn about dusting for fingerprints, analysing footprints and handling evidence.
A live investigation took place in the Studio Theatre as Zoe Cadwell from the University of Portsmouth explained to HSDC students about crime scene investigation and Criminology degrees.
Firstly, Zoe discussed the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of Portsmouth which has a range of criminology degrees that are combined with other subject areas such as Forensic Studies, Environmental Justice, Psychology, Cybercrime and Criminal Justice.
Attention was then turned to the crime scene at the front of the room, which featured a variety of evidence being collected from a model ‘victim’ by HSDC Havant science technician Kristie Thorne.
Kristie, who graduated from the University of Portsmouth in the summer with a first class degree in Criminology & Forensic Studies, previously studied at HSDC’s South Downs Campus.
Zoe, who narrated the investigation for the audience, said:
“I was thrilled to be invited to HSDC Havant to provide a presentation and demonstration to the students. It was a pleasure to be able to discuss the breadth of courses that we offer on our Criminology pathways at the University of Portsmouth by providing the students with a live crime scene experience.
“Through this session I was able to introduce the students to how our key course themes of forensic studies, psychology, criminal justice, environmental justice and cybercrime as well as professional policing all play a role in investigations and our understanding of offenders in the criminal justice system, from crime scene to court.”
The theatre was completely full of students from courses including Criminology, Chemistry, Psychology and more as they learned about the huge variety of jobs and roles involved in investigating a crime scene.
This lecture linked to the current topics for Criminology students as they are moving on to a unit about evidence recovery.
Visit our course finder to learn more about studying Criminology at HSDC.