We know that exam time can be stressful. To help you out we’ve put together our tried and tested revision tips.
A lie-in may be tempting, but facts are at their most digestible first thing in the morning. By starting your day at 9am you can get more of the revision done early, leaving you feeling positive about the day and what you’ve achieved.
List out all of your exam subjects or topics, and the amount of time you think you need to cover each. Prioritise based on the areas you feel need most work. Try dividing up your time for each subject based on the units in the revision checklist or syllabus. Once you’ve planned what you will be studying and when, put it where everyone can see it. That way others can help you stay motivated too. Revise often, cover a variety of subjects, try to do a little every day and don’t forget to plan in breaks.
It’s tempting to distract yourself with social media or talking to friends. Find a well-lit quiet place to study away from any distractions.
Set up your revision space, making sure you have everything you need for the revision session. From drinks and snacks to stationery, paper and resources.
Research shows that doing a range of activities will benefit you. Organise your folders and simplify your class notes. Make summary skeleton notes, mind maps, audio notes and diagrams for key facts.
Practising writing essays and answering questions under timed conditions is fantastic experience. Ask your teachers for relevant past papers. You can also find papers online from the exam board website.
Your teachers will be organising these in and out of class time – make sure you attend them! You’ll cover key topics, learn new revision styles and have a chance to ask questions about the things you still aren’t sure about. You’ll also have the chance to take part in group discussions with your peers who are revising the same thing!
Don’t forget to look after yourself. Make sure you stay hydrated and try to get enough sleep. Although you should avoid distracting yourself by watching TV or YouTube videos whilst you’re revising, it doesn’t mean you can’t treat yourself as a reward.
Before the exam comes make sure you know what your exam involves (such as how many questions you need to answer and how long you have). Make sure you pack your bag the night before, being sure you have the correct equipment with you. Make sure you know when and where your exam is, and leave for your exam in plenty of time. Getting a good night’s sleep before the exam is going to do your brain a lot more good than last minute cramming, so don’t be tempted to stay up late.
Don’t put your revision to waste by panicking when you get into the exam. You’ve got this! Just think positively and make sure you read the instructions on the paper carefully first. Once you’ve got an exam out of the way don’t dwell on it – even if you’re not sure about some of your answers there’s nothing that can be done afterwards so let it go and focus on the next one!
Discover revision advice from Katie, an a-level student at HSDC.