Just before October half term, students and staff across all three campuses were asked to wear or carry something pink to take part in a ‘COVID-compliant’ Breast Cancer #WearItPink Day and donate to the cause.
#WearItPink Day takes place during Breast Cancer Awareness month. Participants ‘wear it pink’ to raise awareness, and funds, for the UK’s largest breast cancer charity, Breast Cancer Now. The campaign has raised over £35million so far.
The idea to take part was started by members of the HSDC Adult Education department, who in their classes even managed to have a party and some games, socially distanced of course. The rest of HSDC joined in by donning their pink clothes and accessories and were encouraged to donate online.
There was fantastic support from staff and students wearing pink, including HSDC Alton student Kate, who commented,
“I am wearing pink because I believe that everyone deserves support, especially during hard times.”
Ashley, who also studies on our Alton campus, stated,
“I am wearing pink because I am showing awareness of breast cancer and knowing what it does due to a family member having it.”
Karen Griffiths, HSDC Tutorial Programme and Enrichment Coordinator, said,
“We look forward to a bigger party next year but, for now, we come together in any way we can to support charities both local and national.”